Thursday, October 9, 2008

Library Information

Even though it was very nice of Lindy Moeller to take time out of her day and come speak at the lecture I personally felt that what she covered was nothing new.  Because a big part of paideia was the second semester research paper, I had already had the full hour lecture on how the Preus library website worked and how to find books in the library.  At that time I did not know what the Preus library website was nor how the books were organized and it was very beneficial and helpful.
Now the website changed this year and had a few new applications so there were aspects that I did not know about.  However, once you learn the "jist" of how one library system works you pretty much can figure the rest out on your own.  I mean most of us are now in our 20's and I would hope that everyone knows a thing or two about how to find books in the library and on the website.
I would have enjoyed having a speaker come in and talk about there experiences as a teacher.  

1 comment:

Beth Gonia said...


I also agree with you about the repetition of some of the resources. I was especially exposed to this since I work in the library. However, she did offer me some new information about actual teaching resources and where to find things specifically. At least she related most of it to education.
